As an excellent first-person shooter game with very dark but interesting thematic elements, Fear 2 is one of the best games for people who like stories that are combined with a first person shooter experience. Unlike many other first person shooter games, Fear 2 is one of the best games for...
If you like futuristic games, you're most likely a fan of the Fallout serious, with the numbers going up to Fallout 4 and soon to be Fallout 5. One of the coolest things about the Fallout series is the storytelling, although the game play is excellent as well, it's the story that really pulls you in once you...
Starcarft 2 is a military-themed science fiction game that really delivers on the storytelling line, it's the kind of game that doesn't dissapoint on grahpics but also doesn't leave you wanting more story. There are some really good storytelling elements in this game, particularly in the beginning when...